Ecommerce Product Management & Storefront with GraphCMS, Snipcart, & Next.js

2h 53m
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In this course, Colby is going to do a deep dive into creating a full store for your products. You'll learn how to set up and use GraphCMS as your content management system. You'll learn about the Cloudinary UI extension and how to use it to host your images. You'll learn about Snipcart and using the useSnipcart hook to handle the cart state and the checkout. You'll learn how to implement Stripe as your payment gateway. And lastly, you'll learn how to deploy a Next js app to vercel from github with environment variables.


Colby Fayock

I help others learn by doing through articles, videos, and courses about Javascript, React, and the static web. I'm a Lead UX & Front End Engineer passionate about tackling challenges that can help save people’s lives and make the world a better place.

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Course content (18 lessons)

    illustration for Ecommerce Product Management & Storefront with GraphCMS, Snipcart, & Next.js