Build a Corgi Up-boop Web App with Netlify Serverless Functions and Hasura

1h 27m
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Starting from a prebuilt frontend, Jason Lengstorf guides you through the creation of a "Corgi Up-boop App" that uses Netlify Functions and Hasura. You can view the deployed final product on Netlify.

You'll set up the Netlify CLI, and configure a local development environment before writing and deploying functions with a few different use cases.

The first example function bypasses CORS restrictions to retrieve corgi data from an example third-party API.

Next, you'll configure environmental variables to securely communicate with the Unsplash API without exposing private keys to the client.

Serverless functions don't persist data by themselves, so we will use Hasura to create a GraphQL API for tracking the number of "boops" each corgi receives.

This course is an excellent illustration of the speed of Serverless functions, and how fast you can implement functionality in your web applications.


Jason Lengstorf

Jason Lengstorf is a developer, architect, occasional designer, and frequent speaker. He’s passionate about building tools, systems, and training materials to create high-performance teams and apps. He later encourages those teams to use their newfound free time to go outside and be people and stuff. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

What you'll learn

  • Installing & configuring the Netlify CLI for local development
  • Managing private keys in development and production
  • Writing Serverless functions for interacting with APIs
  • Configuring a PostgreSQL-backed GraphQL API with Hasura
  • Writing custom React Hooks for triggering Serverless functions
  • Deploying a complete app with Netlify

Course content (13 lessons)

    illustration for Build a Corgi Up-boop Web App with Netlify Serverless Functions and Hasura