Explore TypeScript by Writing Functions

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I've found the best way to learn TypeScript is by writing functions with input and outputs. Many of the types you use will be on the parameters of functions and the return type of the function itself. So writing functions, moving things around, breaking things, then fixing them based on the compiler suggestions is the quickest way to learn.

~ 6 years ago

Could we just have a step demonstrating how to include the function inside the React app?

Tommy Groshong
Tommy Groshong
~ 6 years ago

Around 1:54 the screen cast gets garbled and unreadable. Is it just me? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aNYNJnPKFkRpt5RISEsUfiCtVdFhNE5L

Samuel Suther
Samuel Suther
~ 6 years ago

Around 1:54 the screen cast gets garbled and unreadable. Is it just me? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aNYNJnPKFkRpt5RISEsUfiCtVdFhNE5L

Yep, it's just you. Work fine for me.