Add Contentful as a data source for Gatsby

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In this lesson, you will learn how to set up your Gatsby project to use Contentful as a data source using the gatsby-source-contentful plugin.

Shripada Hebbar
Shripada Hebbar
~ 6 years ago

One question - is it ok to directly mention the access token inside the gatsby-config.js? Since you might commit this code and share it with others, this could be a security issue. Is it not there any support for environment vars or something in gatsby? Thanks a lot.

Frank Manno
Frank Manno
~ 6 years ago

One question - is it ok to directly mention the access token inside the gatsby-config.js? Since you might commit this code and share it with others, this could be a security issue. Is it not there any support for environment vars or something in gatsby? Thanks a lot.

My understanding is that it's a "read-only" token, so I'm guessing that's why it's okay to include it in the gatsby-config. I may be wrong, however.

Khaled Garbaya
Khaled Garbaya(instructor)
~ 6 years ago

Hi Shripada, That's a great question and a valid concern. as Frank mentioned the delivery token is read-only. But it is always best practice to include credentials in environment variables for extra security especially if your website is open source. For the purpose of this exercise, I decided to add the token directly in the gatsby-config for simplicity reasons.

Cheers, Khaled

Shripada Hebbar
Shripada Hebbar
~ 6 years ago

Thanks for responses. Frank, Khaled. I understand it is a tutorial and I think we need to warn someone who plans to copy this code as is into their production. I have seen people making this mistake especially when they are new to programming...

Alexander Lopez
Alexander Lopez
~ 6 years ago

Hi, one question, what’s in your cli, that shows like a ghost/autocomplete of what you’re typing?

Khaled Garbaya
Khaled Garbaya(instructor)
~ 6 years ago

Hi Alexander, I use zsh with a plugin called zsh-autosuggestions