Develop Accessible Web Apps with React

1h 32m
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A large number of people are unable to use the web effectively due to an impairment or disability.

As developers there are several tools and techniques we can use to make our web applications accessible, ensuring a great user experience that includes everyone.

We all agree that Accessibility is important. However, it’s a broad landscape and can be overwhelming figuring out where to start!

Erin Doyle is an expert in creating accessible React applications and has developed a course that will give you a concrete process for testing, refactoring, and building your applications with accessibility in mind.

After this course, you'll have a jump start on auditing and fixing accessibility issues in your applications and gain a better understanding of your target users and how to approach your web app design from their perspectives.


Erin Doyle

Fullstack engineer with a focus on the front-end. I <3 JavaScript! I'm passionate about helping others write beautiful code and make accessible experiences for the web.

Learn about Erin's story with egghead.


Aleksander Ageev (illustration)

What you'll learn

  • The impact of in-accessible web apps different disability groups
  • How to access web sites in the same way impaired users do
  • Inspecting & testing tools for accessibility
  • Write accessible and extensible UI elements & widgets
  • Iteratively refactor & test accessibility issues

Course content (28 lessons)

    illustration for Develop Accessible Web Apps with React